Rome and/in the Movies, 202 B.C.–2005 A.D.


Location: Hesburgh Library Auditorium

Piero Boitani, professore ordinario di letterature comparate, Sapienza Università di Roma

Medievalist and modernist, Dante scholar and comparatist, Professor Boitani has authored a great number of books, including Chaucer and Boccaccio, English Medieval Narrative of the 13th and 14th Centuries, The Tragic and the Sublime in Medieval Literature, The Shadow of Ulysses: Figures of a Myth, The Bible and Its Rewritings, and The Genius to Improve an Invention (Notre Dame University Press). His most recent books include Parole alate (Mondadori 2004), The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer (Cambridge University Press 2004), Winged Words: Flight in Poetry and History (The University of Chicago Press 2007), Letteratura europea e Medioevo volgare (Il Mulino), and Il Vangelo secondo Shakespeare (Il Mulino).

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