Jeremy Smith Lecture


Location: Medieval Institute Reading Room (715 Hesburgh Library)

“Textual Afterlives: Recuperating Medieval Scottish Texts”

Jeremy Smith, Professor of English Philology and Director of ArtsLab, University of Glasgow, is Convener of the Board of Trustees of Scottish Language Dictionaries, Ltd. and a member of the Council of the Scottish Text Society. He has been a co-investigator on the Arts-and-Humanities-Council-supported Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, 1700-1945 project, and he is also a co-investigator on the AHRC-supported Editing Burns project.

Prof. Smith’s research is on English historical linguistics. Working on a new Middle English project in collaboration with Merja Stenroos (Stavanger University, Norway) and Simon Horobin (Oxford University), resulted in a major new annotated electronic corpus of unedited, localized texts from the late Middle English period. The project also involves general theoretical work on language change and language-mapping, and more specialized research on the relationship of language and book history in the Middle and post-Middle English periods.

The lecture is sponsored by the Ph.D. in Literature Seminar and Colloquium Series, with the support of the Medieval Institute, and coordinated by Kathryn Hill (Ph.D. in Literature graduate student). 

Jeremy Smith Lecture Poster