Italian Studies OVI Videoconference Seminar: "Variazioni testuali in un manoscritto senese del Tesoro volgare (Laur. Pl. XLII 22)" (Textual Variants of the Tesoro volgare in a Sienese Manuscript (Laur. Pl. XLII 22)) - Paolo Squillacioti


Location: Information Technology Center, Room 121

University of Notre Dame & Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (OVI) Videoconference Seminars – Spring 2017

Thursday, April 27 from 10-11:30am in Room 121, ITC, Notre Dame (16:00-17:30 at Notre Dame’s Rome Global Gateway)

Paolo Squillacioti: “Variazioni testuali in un manoscritto senese del Tesoro volgare (Laur. Pl. XLII 22)” (Textual Variants of the Tesoro volgare in a Sienese Manuscript (Laur. Pl. XLII 22))

Il ms. Pl. XLII 22 della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze tramanda un volgarizzamento senese del primo libro del Tresor di Brunetto Latini: una versione a sé stante dell’opera, poco utile perciò per la ricostruzione del testo critico, ma per varie ragioni molto interessante.

Paolo Squillacioti è ricercatore all’OVI dal 2001. Studioso di filologia romanza, e in particolare della letteratura galloromanza medievale (trovatori provenzali, tra i quali spicca Folquet de Marselha, Brunetto Latini e il suo Tresor) e della letteratura italiana medievale (volgarizzamenti toscani del Tresor, influsso delle letteratura cortese sulle opere di Dante e Boccaccio) e contemporanea (Leonardo Sciascia, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa).

“Maps, Texts, and Words in Early Italian”

This is the sixth and final seminar in the 2017 series, hosted by the Italian Studies Program, in partnership with the CNR Institute Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (OVI). The series examines a wide range of topics related to early Italian studies, including: Dante’s Commedia, the geographical representation of linguistic data, and the production and circulation of manuscripts in Tuscany in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The confirmed speakers are: Marcello Barbato (“L’Orientale,” Napoli), Cristiano Lorenzi Biondi (OVI), Theodore J. Cachey Jr. (University of Notre Dame), Mariafrancesca Giuliani (OVI), Paolo Squillacioti (OVI), and Giulio Vaccaro (OVI).

We will be using ZOOM ( to connect. Anyone (in the world) can join the seminars (up to 50 people; participation is on a first come, first served basis). Participants just need a good internet connection, a webcam with a microphone, and speakers. Ipads, tablets, and smart phones can also be used. Please contact Demetrio Yocum ( to sign up for the seminars and for more details on how to connect via zoom.

Further information about the seminar series may be found here.

Originally published at