MI Working Group: Wiebke-Marie Stock, "Dionysius the Areopagite on the Image"


Location: Zoom

The working group "Ancient and Medieval Theories of the Image” will meet to hear Dr. Wiebke Marie Stock present on "Dionysius the Areopagite and the Image." The relevant passages are Celestial Hierarchy 2 (136D-145C); Ecclesiastical Hierarchy 2 (397A-400D); EH 4 (472C-480D).

Please contact Hannah VanSyckel (hvansyck@nd.edu) for a copy of the texts.

All are welcome to join by Zoom: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/95069359357?pwd=VTB0OWxXQUxwb1hJdWZVMk5QZnQzUT09

Zoom Meeting ID: 950 6935 9357

Passcode: 805096