MI Working Group: Carlos Diego Arenas Pacheco, "Translating late medieval classics in 'the Indies': de Imitatione Christi in Mexico, Japan, and China (c. 1570-1640)"


Location: Zoom

Carlos Diego Arenas Pacheco will present part of his ongoing dissertation research, which treats the uses of medieval educational, literary and theological texts in various colonial contexts and for various colonializing purposes in the sixteenth century. This is a meeting of the working group on the Transformations of Classical Texts in the Middle Ages.

All are welcome to join by Zoom: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/91339542022?pwd=RkFRaG5tbnhxSVdJZFk3ancweGI5QT09

Questions? Please contact organizer Martin Bloomer at mbloomer@nd.edu.