Best of the Medieval Studies Research Blog: April Highlights

Author: Karrie Fuller

Welcome to the Medieval Studies Research Blog’s (MSRB) “Best of” news series where we report monthly on our recent publications and exciting initiatives.

Featured Publications

Along with April showers and Easter egg hunts, last month brought with it an eclectic mix of new content to appease eager learners of the Middle Ages. So, to accompany your leftover Easter candy binge (if that’s your thing), pull up a chair and settle in to read about some medieval scribes who prefer to play with words, rather than their peas. Take a more serious moment to read through this month’s pieces on Katharina Von Tucher and her struggles with alcoholism. Or, learn about the Medieval Institute’s interdisciplinary working group on “Religion and Pluralism.” Here’s the month’s line up:

Happy Reading! And, stay tuned for more in May… 

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The MSRB is a multi-author blog site hosted by the University of Notre Dame's Medieval Institute. This blog provides interdisciplinary and geographically broad coverage of research on the Middle Ages. It supports the Institute’s efforts to create an inclusive scholarly community that advances the study of the medieval world and its influences on the world today. Interested in submitting a post? See our “Submission Guidelines” page.