Notice Board

Below are links to information submitted by medievalist colleagues both in and outside the Notre Dame community. These are provided as a general service and not as a comprehensive list. Periodically, outdated postings will be deleted, but readers are encouraged to check deadline information carefully.

Fellowship/Job Announcements

Calls for Papers (Conferences)

Calls for Submissions (Journals)

Conference Announcements

Miscellaneous Announcements

Fellowship/Job Announcements

Curator, Museum of Russian Icons (Clinton, Massachusetts)

The Museum of Russian Icons offers a unique opportunity to play an important role in shaping a leading institute for icons and Eastern Christian art in the USA. The Museum is currently in the last phase of a reorientation and rebranding project, and its new plans will be shared with the public in the second half of 2023. The curator will also spearhead the Study Center which will be an essential part of the new Museum.

Potential candidates are welcome to submit questions and documents to

Full details and how to apply

Funding for Senior Scholars for Study at the ASCSA

WIENER LABORATORY PROGRAMMATIC POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP FOR 2024-2027: Three-year funding for individuals who have received their Ph.D. and have a demonstrable record of research and publication directly relevant to the project. Eligibility limited to any archaeological project affiliated with the ASCSA, current and former permit holders. Stipend of $35,000 for 12 months. Call for applications will open fall 2023.

Get more information about each program or fellowship.

The Sciola Grant for Research in Italy

Sponsored by the Diana M. Sciola Endowment for Excellence to support research on Catholic Tradition and Italian Artistic Culture

The Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts (ISLA) invites undergraduates and graduate students in all Arts and Letters disciplines whose research interests address the impact of Catholic traditions upon Italian artistic culture to submit proposals to the Sciola Grant Program.  In order to be eligible for funding, research must take place in Italy. The Sciola Family Endowment supports projects that study the various ways in which the Catholic tradition has influenced the visual arts, theatre, architecture, fashion, music, cinema, literature, design, culinary arts, and photography throughout the ages. 

A double-spaced, 3-page proposal, budget, and a letter of recommendation are required of both undergraduates and graduates. Proposals should make clear the connection between Catholic tradition and the artistic expression under study.

For details concerning the submission of applications as well as post-grant requirements, see UROP Proposal Requirements for Academic Year & Summer Submissions. Undergraduates must upload their application materials to UrApply  (including health form and parental consent); graduate students should email their completed applications, along with a Sciola Grant Proposal Cover Sheet, to Therese Blacketor

See Grant Post-Award Requirements for the required final report guidelines.

Maximum award: $2,500. Proposals accepted on a rolling basis.

Calls for Papers (Conferences)

XII International Medieval Meeting Lleida 2024

Deadline: March 10, 2024

Special area of focus: Contractual monarchy and representativeness in the Middle Ages

19 subject areas: Archaeology - Art - Borders, Wars and Crusades - Church - Daily Life - Historiography - Institutions, Law and Government - Islam - Judaism - Literature and Drama-Theatre - Medieval Music - Medievalism - New Technologies - Palaeography and Documentation - Philosophy, Theology and Thought - Political History - Science and Medicine - Social and Economic History - Woman and Gender Studies

Learn more about this conference.

Calls for Submissions (Journals)

SEQUITUR - BU Graduate Student Art History Journal


Conference Announcements 

Seminaris virtuals "Connecta amb l'Edat Mitjana" Curs 2023-24

Seminaris virtuals organitzats pel Grup de Recerca Consolidat en Estudis Medievals "Espai, Poder i Cultura" de la Universitat de Lleida.

  • 17 Octubre 2023 (16.00h). SERGI REXACH (Universitat de Barcelona), Crim i Església a la Girona baixmedieval, una nova visió de la justícia a l'Edat Mitjana. Enllaç sessió
  • 14 Novembre 2023 (16:00h). CLARA RENEDO (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Un ‘Flos sanctorum’ per a la Catedral de Barcelona: reconstruint les col·leccions hagiogràfiques llatines a Catalunya. Enllaç sessió
  • 16 Gener 2024 (16:00h). BEGOÑA PONS (Universitat de Barcelona), Comunitat, pràctiques i objectes, o com estudiar l'espai interior d'una comunitat femenina de l'orde de Sant Jaume. Enllaç sessió
  • 13 Febrer 2024 (16:00h). MARIA DEL CAMÍ DOLS (Universitat de les Illes Balears), Al Regne de Mallorca, el delme té nom de dona. Enllaç sessió
  • 12 Març 2024 (16:00h). GIANLUCA PAGANI (Universidad de Sevilla), Génova: puente entre Europa y África. Políticas comerciales en el Mediterráneo global del siglo XII. Enllaç sessió
  • 30 Abril 2024 (16:00h). JONATHAN WILSON (Universitat de Lleida), New Hermits, New Orders, PTSD, and the First Portuguese Cistercians; Process and Foundation in early twelfth century Hispania. Enllaç sessió

Miscellaneous Announcements

Hill Museum & Manuscript Library’s online vHMML Museum goes live

Full announcement

The Project Team: Writing Culture in Southern German Women's Convents

'Writing Culture in Southern German Women's Convents' was the focus of a project funded from September 2008 until May 2012 by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of its action plan on 'Libraries and Archives in Cooperation with Research'. This programmatic new approach made possible the cataloging, digitization, and academic study of medieval manuscripts and early printed books as well as of pragmatic documents and archival records from five selected southern German women's convents.

Jointly organized by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich and the Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster / Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf, the project studied the medieval books of these Bavarian convents and their archival holdings (until 1550) and now presents them embedded in their historical context. The manuscripts, archival records and incunables created or formerly owned by the Dominican sisters of Altenhohenau, the Bridgettines of Altomünster, the Poor Clares (St. Jakob am Anger) and Franciscan Tertiaries (Pütrichhaus) of Munich and the Benedictines of Neuburg an der Donau allowed systematic insights into the convent libraries, economic management and the particular roles of office holders. More broadly the project offered new perspectives on the education, internal organization and the self-conception of these religious communities.

After the dissolution of these houses the historical records were divided up and as a result, books and documents are today preserved in libraries as well as in archives. It was, therefore, crucial to bring them back together under an overall perspective. Through a synthesis of the source material, the rich heritage of these often highly-educated women and their engagement with literature can be assessed and presented in an unprecedented way, within the wider context of these politically and economically influential communities.

When the project expired, the project partner provided in-house effort for the publication of the results. The documents have been recently made accessible online as well as in a printed catalog.

A thematic research archive hosted by the Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online offers introductory texts and an overview of the medieval holdings, structured by subject groups based on medieval ways of organizing libraries and knowledge, to allow comparisons despite the different quantity of source-material from each convent. Links provide direct access to digitized manuscripts, early printed books, documents, and archival records. Manuscript descriptions are available online.

The printed catalogue contains introductory material and detailed descriptions of the manuscripts from two of the convents as well as an overview of the printed material:
Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Die Handschriften aus den Klöstern Altenhohenau und Altomünster: Clm 2901-2966 sowie Streubestände gleicher Provenienz, Anja Freckmann, Juliane Trede and Elisabeth Wunderle, eds, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016.

Melanie Hömberg's study of the economic practices of the female communities, 'Economic Book Keeping in Context', is available on the homepage through a link. Almut Breitenbach's publications are listed in the bibliography.


Three 8-9th C. Irish manuscripts have recently been digitized, and the images are provided free online. The work is part of the Early Irish Manuscripts Project at Trinity College Dublin:

  1. Garland of Howth (TCD MS 56
  2. Book of Mulling (TCD MS 60)
  3. Book of Dimma (TCD MS 59)

The Early Irish MS Project is currently digitising the Codex Usserianus Primus (TCD MS 55). You can read more about.

Medieval Academy Newsletter

News items can be read on the MAA blog.

Revista Scriptorium

The latest issues can be accessed on this publication's website.

Facsimile of Moore Bede Released

ISAS colleagues will be pleased to know that Cambridge University Library has released a full digital facsimile of the Moore Bede (CUL Kk.5.16), which is — almost certainly — the earliest copy of Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum made not so very long after Bede's death in 735. 

Go to the facsimile.

Digitization project

Codex Eyckensis and a 10th-century Gospel Book digitized by the Museums Department of Maaseik in Belgium.
Press Release: Codex Eyckensis

Loveden Hill Urn 3D model now online

Colleagues with research and teaching interests in early Old English, runeology, material culture, archaeology, or digital humanities may be interested in a small project on the Loveden Hill cremation urn, which has just been completed by colleagues in Leicester and Nottingham (Martin Findell), with Dominic Powlesland (The Landscape Research Centre) and the generous support of the Trustees of the British Museum and the Museum's Department of Britain, Europe and Prehistory. 

Using digital photogrammetry, Dominic has created a dynamic 3D model of this 6th C cremation urn, which carries one of the earliest examples of written Old English, in runic script. The module is hosted on the British Museum's Sketchfab site and is free and accessible to all. You can view it at 3 resolutions, (LD, SD, HD – low, standard, high), and the files are small enough for you to view it in HD on your mobile phone (something to impress even your high-tech students). Annotations have been provided, but you can switch these off using the tools in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

View the 3D model.

The model allows you to rotate the pot, as if you were holding it – which is what you need to do to read the inscription, and – indeed – to have written it in the first place. The model should, therefore enable a more sophisticated contextual analysis of the inscription than hitherto possible, alongside the linguistic and graphic analysis of the runes (indeed, this will form part of Martin Findell's forthcoming book, arising from his Impact of Diasporas project). The potential of this type of technology for creating and sharing research and teaching tools is plain to see.   

The researchers have written a blog for those interested in the methods used to create the model, and for more information about the pot and the inscription. From the blog, you can also download two PDF files containing scaleable, dynamic versions of the model, so that you can measure it, create cross sections, and use the model off-line.

Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources now freely available online.

The project is delighted to announce that the text of the DMLBS has been made available under license to the Logeion project hosted by the University of Chicago and is now accessible via the Logeion interface.

The Logeion interface, which does not require a subscription of any kind, allows searching of all its many dictionaries by headword. (More advanced forms of searching across the DMLBS text are available via the subscription-based platform.) We very much hope that medieval scholars across the world will appreciate this new way of accessing the dictionary. We would, of course, encourage users nevertheless to buy a copy of the printed dictionary as well!

Newberry Library French Renaissance Paleography Project now online

A self-help tool that provides integrated access to an archive of historically significant, visually captivating manuscripts held in the collection of the Newberry Library and other North American repositories. Via interactive maps, faceted browsing, and keyword searches, users can explore more than 100 French manuscript documents written between 1300 and 1700, page through a dozen historical calligraphy books, view a half-dozen historical maps, practice transcribing the documents, and more at the Paleography Project website


British Library

Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Digitisation Master List (1429 items) are now available.