Congratulations to our 2021 Graduates

Author: Medieval Institute

Graduation 2016 2 WebProfessor Emeritus and then-director John van Engen presiding over the 2016 Medieval Institute Graduation Ceremony

Each May the Medieval Institute conducts an intimate, all-Latin graduation ceremony in the atmospheric Alumni Hall Chapel.

In this second year of the coronavirus pandemic, we are honoring our graduates again with video tributes and an online open house on Saturday, May 22, 2021. Our director, director of undergraduate studies, and the advisor of our Ph.D. graduates have recorded congratulatory videos celebrating the accomplishments of their students.

The playlist will be live on our YouTube channel on Saturday, May 22, and a Zoom open house will be held from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. 

The Institute congratulates all of these fine scholars on their hard work and achievements, and wishes them every success.

Bachelor of Arts in Medieval Studies

Brendan J. Egan  

Master’s in Medieval Studies

William Alexander Beattie

Anne Elise Crafton

Eileen Marie Wehrle Morgan

Daniel Milburn Stauffer

Ph.D. in Medieval Studies

Jake Coen, who has written the dissertation "Tyrannus Rex: Tyranny, History, and Carolingian Propaganda" under the direction of Professor Emeritus John van Engen

Julia Qiuye Zhao, who has written the dissertation "'They Compel with Baptism as with a Monkish Vow': Baptism and the Monastic Vow in Medieval Monastic and Early Anabaptist Writing" under the direction of John van Engen