Congratulations to Our 2022 Graduates!

Author: Lucy Grinnan

Graduation 2016 1 Web
Professor Emeritus John Van Engen at the 2016 graduation ceremony

This year, after two years of online graduations due to the pandemic, the Medieval Institute will return to its an intimate, all-Latin graduation ceremony in the atmospheric Alumni Hall Chapel. On May 14th at 1:30 PM, the Medieval Institute will celebrate its 2022 graduates, in addition to graduates from 2020 and 2021 who were unable to attend a ceremony of their own. 

In the ceremony, the Institute will admit to the Medieval Studies Minor Christine Chun, John Coons, William Gentry, Nicole Marcinkus, and John Sebastian Thorn, and to the Major Maria Keller and Ryan Richmond.

The Institute will admit four doctoral students—Spencer Kyle Arrowood, Francisco J. Cintrón Mattei, Benjamin Kenneth Pykare, and Hannah VanSyckel—to the Magisteriate of Medieval Studies. 

Finally, the Institute will admit doctoral candidate Romain Thurin, who has written the dissertation "Nomadic Warriors on the Edge of the World Empire: The Early Karamanids (1225-1335)," to the Doctorate of Philosophy in Medieval Studies.

Following the ceremony, the graduates, together with their friends, family, and colleagues, will enjoy a reception in the Hospitality Room of the South Dining Hall.

The Institute congratulates all of these fine scholars on their hard work and achievements and wishes them every success!