MI Community Updates

Author: Medieval Institute

Several members of our community have sent us updates about their recent work and accomplishments, and we want to share it!

Faculty Fellow Professor Deborah Tor has recently published The History and Culture of Iran and Central Asia, co-edited with Minoru Inaba

Ph.D. Candidate Carlos Diego Arenas Pacheco was awarded the National Academy of Education's Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, and two short-term fellowships at The John Carter Brown Library and The Newberry Library; he has also recently published "The Double Mistaken Identity of Colonial Literature" in Journal of World Literature 6.4 (2021)

Ph.D. Candidate Eileen Morgan has been named a Distinguished Graduate Fellow of the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Studies and has been awarded grants from Notre Dame's Nanovic Institute and ISLA to conduct summer manuscript research in Europe

Ph.D. Student Kristina Kummerer has been awarded grants from Notre Dame's Nanovic Institute and ISLA to conduct summer manuscript research in Dublin and Belgium to continue her work on medieval liturgical manuscripts, including those of the Collegiate Church of St. Waldetrude (La collégiale Sainte-Waudru) 

Congratulations to our faculty fellows and graduate students on their accomplishments, both those listed here and elsewhere!