Italian Studies Events at the Rome Gateway in the Spring and Summer 2022

Author: Costanza Montanari

In the Spring and Summer 2022 the Rome Global Gateway hosted and co-sponsored a series of events in collaboration with the Center for Italian Studies at the University of Notre Dame that strengthened an already strong long-lasting relationship between the Center and the Gateway.

The Three Crowns: Texts and Contexts of Medieval Italy. New Books of Italian Philology and Literature. II edition, 2021-2022

Following the successful meetings devoted to Dante in 2020-2021, this second edition in a series of four events from November to April, 2022, proposed the presentation of recently published books dedicated to authors and texts of Medieval Italian Philology and Literature and to the most current themes in these disciplines, promoting a fruitful discussion among scholars of various geographical and academic provenances.

Rome Gateway 2022 Photo

The meetings saw the participation of the authors and editors chosen for the 2022 edition and were also streamed online on Zoom. The series was organized in collaboration with the Center for Italian Studies and the Devers Family Program in Dante Studies at the University of Notre Dame, and with Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa.

The series is organized by Dr. Chiara Sbordoni of the University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway and Dr. Luca Lombardo, who is Assistant Professor of Italian Philology and Literature at the Università degli Studi di Bergamo and a former Devers Postdoctoral Fellow in Dante Studies at the University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway.

OVI Seminar Series 2022

The Rome Gateway streamed online the seventh series of seminars entitled Linguistic, Philological, and Literary Developments in the Italian Middle Ages, focusing on a variety of early Italian texts. The series was organized by the Center for Italian Studies at the University Notre Dame, in partnership with the CNR Institute Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (OVI). The speakers who participated were Giovanna Corazza (Università Ca’ Foscari), Marika Fortunato (OVI), Lorenzo Dell’Oso (Trinity College), Roberto Leporatti, Dario Pecoraro and Tommaso Salvatore (Università di Ginevra).

Rome Workshops on Dante

The Devers Family Program in Dante Studies and the Center for Italian Studies at the University of Notre Dame organized two workshops which were held between 11-13 May 2022 at the Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway. The first brought to a close the seminars held on the Ante-Purgatory, a series of closed workshops on the first nine cantos of Dante's Purgatorio that started in January 2021 on Zoom. The second one gathered the contributors to "Now feed yourself": Anglo-American and Italian Scholarship on Dante, which will be published by Legenda in its "Italian Perspectives" series. The primary purpose of the workshops was to create a space where Dantists could meet and discuss their research and ideas in a supportive and collegial atmosphere.

Laureatus in Urbe 2022

The sixth edition of the day of study on Francesco Petrarca, Laureatus in Urbe, took place at the Rome Gateway on June 23 and at Roma Tre on June 24, 2022. The seminar is a place for young researchers to share their work with each other and with a group of the most important scholars in the field. The Seminar was organized by the Università di Roma Tre in collaboration with the Center for Italian Studies and the Rome Global Gateway, and co-sponsors included Palacky University Olomouc.

Click here to learn more about events at the Rome Global Gateway.

Originally published by Costanza Montanari at on August 05, 2022.