Medieval Institute Fellow advocates for Italian "Dante Day" in Interview with Corriere della Sera

Author: Staff

Dante illustration by Francesca Capellini

Professor Zygmunt G. Barański was recently interviewed by the major Italian daily newspaper, Corriere della Sera. In the interview, Barański speaks of the importance of studying Dante today and of new avenues in Dante research. The interview appears as part of the paper’s initiative to institute a day in honor of the author of the Divine Comedy. Read the interview in Italian here.

Notre Dame celebrates its own Dante Day every Fall with Dante Now!—a choral reading of select passages of the Comedy preceded by a lecture from a member of the Notre Dame faculty. This year’s iteration of Dante Now! will be held on Friday, September 27. Details will be posted here soon.

Barański is R.L. Canala Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, a fellow of the Medieval Institute, and an affiliate of the Center for Italian Studies, of which he is also a member of the advisory board. He is among the world’s leading authorities on Dante, medieval Italian literature, medieval poetics, and modern Italian literature, film, and culture, and he has been teaching at Notre Dame since 2011. Previously, he was Serena Professor of Italian at the University of Cambridge.

Originally published by Staff at on August 21, 2019.