Press Release: New Medieval Academy Program for Lifelong Learners

Author: Megan J. Hall

From Lisa Fagin Davis, the Executive Director of the Medieval Academy of America


The Medieval Academy of America is inaugurating a new program this fall, a cultural trip to England for lifelong learners. Participants in this October 23-28 trip will visit two once-in-a-lifetime exhibitions: "Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms" at the British Library, and "Tolkien: Maker of Middle Earth" at the Bodleian, with curatorial introductions and expert guides. While professional medievalists will certainly find the trip of interest, the programming (curatorial introductions and expert guides) is primarily geared towards lifelong learners.

For more information, please see the brochure.

Please forward this link to your local community of lifelong learners or anyone you know who might be interested. The trip is limited to twenty travelers, so interested participants should register as soon as possible.

If you happen to hear back from anyone who is interested but is unable to participate in this particular trip, please let me know and I will begin putting together a list of contacts for future programs.

Contact Lisa Fagin Davis at