Video: Arts and Letters Class of 2019 reflects on their liberal arts education

Author: Todd Boruff

Congratulations to the Class of 2019! This video, screened at the Arts and Letters Diploma Ceremony, features several seniors reflecting on their time at Notre Dame and in the College of Arts and Letters.

“The liberal arts education helps you see the interconnections of yourself and others and how to break down barriers, how to look at people empathetically, how to look at this world as bigger than yourself,” said theology major Thomas Doran. 

“This is an education for a lifetime,” said Program of Liberal Studies major Soren Hansen. “You can’t be among such incredible scholars, both the professors and your fellow students, and not come away changed and not come away a more well-rounded human being.”

“Your diploma from Notre Dame, it’s a call to action: to be a powerful force for good in the world, to be a part of something greater than yourself,” said philosophy and Arts and Letters pre-health major Jean Llenos. “That’s something I’m unspeakably proud to be a part of.”

You can also watch this video on YouTube.

Originally published by Todd Boruff at on May 30, 2019.