Code of Conduct

Book Usage and Personal Property

  • Books in the reading rooms are typically non-circulating, but may be taken out for scanning and must be returned immediately to one of the tables/carts in the reading rooms.
  • Books return to the shelves daily. Circulating books left overnight will be removed by library staff and returned to the shelf. We ask that you please not re-shelve books but leave them on the tables or carts.
  • Personal property left in the reading rooms is not the responsibility of the Medieval Institute or Hesburgh Libraries. Laptops, chargers, cords, personal books, and the like will be taken to the Circulation Desk to be handed over to the Security Monitors and held in "lost and found." All other items will be discarded.

Code of Conduct

By using and/or being granted access to the Reading Room, users agree to abide by the following code of conduct:

  • I will follow campus guidelines regarding health and safety. Failure to do so will result in immediate loss of access privileges.
  • I will not reposition any furnishings or remove any furnishings from the reading rooms, including power strips, chairs, and tables.
  • I will not consume food or drink in the reading rooms (users may have food/drink in their backpacks or bags on the floor as long as it is in sealed containers and is not taken out of that backpack/bag or consumed in the reading rooms).
  • I will not hold or make loud or continuous conversation or noise, whether in person, via telephone, or computer (e.g., FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype). Headphones must be used for all devices playing content, and volume must be modulated such that others are not disturbed by the sound.
  • I will not bring or let anyone into the reading rooms who does not have permission to be in the room after-hours.
  • I will not bring lockmobiles or carts into the reading rooms.


Breaches of the code of conduct may be addressed by the Medieval Studies Librarian, Security Monitors, or any member of the MI staff. A first warning will be issued unless the breach is grievous, in which case after-hours access permission will be revoked immediately. Depending on its seriousness, a second infraction will result in revocation of after-hours access. If permission is revoked the patron may reapply for after-hours access after 6 months.