Guidelines for Working Groups

The Core Fellows of each Working Group will take primary responsibility for organizing its events. Here are the administrative procedures they should follow in doing so.

During the Year

Publicizing Events

As you schedule your group’s meetings and other events, please alert the MI in advance of your events using our Submittable form so that we can publicize them on our website and events calendar. If you’ve set up a website or Facebook page to publicize your group, please include that URL in the form.

Paying for Expenses

Working groups are responsible for tracking and administering their funds independently. Expenditures should be made using FOAPALS whenever possible (please obtain the FOAPAL from the MI admin); if a FOAPAL cannot be used, a TravelCard or personal credit card should be (expense reports should be submitted through TravelND with Thomson Guster listed as approver).

Organizing Meetings and Speaker Visits

Working groups must make all the arrangements for their meetings and speaker visits. For a checklist of planning considerations, see our event guidelines. Templates are available in the shared Google drive (email to request access).

  • Lecture/Meeting locations: You are welcome to contact the Medieval Institute's admin, Thomson Guster, to inquire about the availability of our seminar rooms for your meetings. You can also book space anywhere else on campus that suits your needs (VenueND is helpful for lectures and larger events; for smaller meetings, simply search "Rooms" when creating the event on your ND Google Calendar).

  • Honoraria

    • VERY IMPORTANT: before committing to bring speakers, determine their elibigility to recieve an honorarium (see the checklist in the shared Google Drive). The MI can only process an honorarium request if a speaker can legally be paid in the U.S. and after it has received all necessary paperwork from the working group organizer(s).
    • The standard rates for honoraria are $250 for a junior scholar and $500 for a senior scholar. Where it makes sense to invite a working-group guest to give a public lecture as well please talk to the Institute director as far in advance as possible about securing extra honorarium funding. Working groups must make all the arrangements for these lectures, including securing the room, requesting catering, and coordinating with the Institute's admin to provide the honorarium for the speaker. Note that the restrictions on honoraria for lectures delivered over Zoom are still in place; the maximum honorarium for a Zoom lecture is $250.

  • Travel: When bringing speakers to campus, please book all travel with Anthony Travel and bill the FOAPAL.

  • Lodging: please use the Morris or a near-campus hotel (e.g., Ivy Court, Fairfield Inn, St. Mary’s) that can use a FOAPAL or bill the MI directly. For long-term visitors, you can apply for on-campus faculty housing (please note the early deadlines require advanced planning, but you can always contact them after the deadline has passed to see if they still have vacancies).

  • Expenses: All speaker incidentals must be submitted for reimbursement via expense report in TravelND, accompanied by receipts (consult with the MI admin and the TravelND website should you need help).

End of the Year

At the end of each academic year (by graduation), each group should email the director a brief, two-part report: 1) in about a paragraph, describe what the working group engaged in over the past year and 2) provide a budget summary detailing how you used your funds and what balance, if any, is left. For each expenditure, please provide the date, amount, recipient of the payment, purpose, and source of payment (e.g., FOAPAL, travel card, personal card).

Submit your annual report