Ph.D. Alumni

Almost every year since the Medieval Institute’s founding in 1946, we have graduated at least one student with a Ph.D. in medieval studies. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the Medieval Institute's program, our graduates are equipped for academic jobs in a wide range of areas and are active in distinguished positions throughout the U.S., Canada, and Europe, both in and out of the Academy. 

Alumni, do you have a new position, or do you wanted to be added to our email group? Let us know through our alumni update form.


William Beattie, Ph.D. 2024, “Apocalyptic Themes in Early Medieval English Homilies” (Advisor: Chris Abram)

Anne Elise Crafton, Ph.D. 2024, “You Sound Like a Wif: The Representation of Women’s Speech in Old English Literature” (Advisor: Tim Machan)

Dov Honick, Ph.D. 2024, “Midrash, Polemic, and the Formation of the Latin Talmud” (Advisor: Dan Hobbins)

Spencer Thomas Buika Hunt, Ph.D. 2024, “Why Do They Apostatize? Apostasy, Law, and Religious Argumentation in the Western Mediterranean (ca. 1200-1300)” (Advisor: Thomas Burman)

Jeffrey P. A. Berland, Ph. D. 2024, "The Franks, The Papacy, and Byzantium: The Formation of an Ideological Rivalry during the Eighth Century" (Co-advisors: Alexander Beihammer and François Bougard [Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes])

Carlos Diego Arenas Pacheco, Ph.D. 2024, "Global Students, Global Writers: Education and Literature for and by non-Europeans in the Early Colonial Iberian World (1492–1620)" (Co-advisors: Martin Bloomer and Karen Graubart)

Emily Mahan, Ph.D. 2022, "Reading Animals in Medieval Fable" (Advisor: Tim Machan)

Romain Thurin, Ph.D. 2022, "Nomadic Warriors on the Edge of the Mongol World Empire: the Early Karamanids (1225-1340)" (Advisor: Alex Beihammer)

Xiaoyi Zhang, Ph.D. 2022, “Conservi Sani Li Affetti Suoi”: Dante's Education Of Affects" (Co-advisors: Ann Astell and David Lummus)

Jake Coen, Ph.D. 2021, "Tyrannus Rex: Tyranny, History, and Carolingian Propaganda" (Advisor: John Van Engen)

Julia ZhaoPh.D. 2020, "'They Compel with Baptism as with a Monkish Vow': Baptism and the Monastic Vow in Medieval Monastic and Early Anabaptist Writing" (Advisor: John Van Engen)

Anna Huiberdina Hilda de Bakker, Ph.D. 2020, "Writing the Cistercian Office in the Thirteenth Century Low Countries" (Advisor: Margot Fassler) 

Maj-Britt Kristina Frenze, Ph.D. 2020, "Nature and the Supernatural in Medieval Romance: Translation and Transmission in England and Scandinavia" (Advisor: Chris Abram) 

Daniel Matías Contreras Ríos, Ph.D. 2020, "Primum cognitum: Bonaventure and Aquinas on the Foundations of Knowledge" (Advisor: Stephen Dumont) 

Rebecca Marie West, Ph.D. 2020, "The Idea of Anglo-Scandinavian England: “Vikings” in Medieval English Memory" (Advisor: Tim Machan) 


Benjamin Wright, Ph.D. 2019, "Publishing The Imitation of Christ: The Distribution Circles of a Fifteenth-Century Bestseller" (Advisor: Daniel Hobbins) 

Nicolas Daniel Kamas, Ph.D. 2019, "Humbert of Silva Candida and the Byzantine Rite" (Advisors: Yury Avvakumov and Brian Daley) 


Erik Zachary Dowden Ellis, Ph.D. 2019, "The Language of Order: Latin, Greek, and Roman in the Byzantine Book of Ceremonies" (Advisor: Hildegund Müller)


Cait Stevenson, Ph.D. 2019, "Lay Reading, Writing, and Religious Authority in Fifteenth-Century Germany" (Advisor: John van Engen)


Charles C. Yost, Ph.D. 2019, "The Thought and Ministry of a ‘Unionist Priest’ (ἑνωτικὸς ἱερεύς): John Plousiadenos (†1500), the Council of Florence, and the Tradition of Byzantine Unionism" (Advisor: Yury Avvakumov)


Brandon LeVon Cook, Ph.D. 2018, "Parisian Scholastics on the Gregorian Dictum: Change and Continuity in the Latin Discourse on Images from St. Gregory to St. Bonaventure" (Advisor: Michael Schreffler)


Filippo Gianferrari, Ph.D. 2018, "Dante and Thirteenth-Century Latin Education: Reading the Auctores Minores" (Advisor: Zygmunt Baranski)


Christopher Robert John Scheirer, Ph.D. 2018, "Written in Stone: The Roman Epigraphic Tradition and Anglo-Saxon Literature" (Advisor: Chris Abram)


Megan Welton, Ph.D. 2018, "Multiplex Virtus: Queens, Ruling Women, and the Discourse of Political Virtue in the Tenth Century" (Advisor: Thomas F. X. Noble)


Anna Siebach-Larsen, Ph.D. 2017, "‘For in the boke of God is no such matter’: Visual Epistemologies and Vernacular Reading Culture in Thirteenth-Century England” (Advisor: Kathryn Kerby-Fulton)


Brian Long, Ph.D. 2016, "Towards the Cultural History of the Twelfth-Century Translation Movement” (Advisor: John van Engen)


Amanda Weppler, Ph.D. 2016, “Dante's Statius: Transforming Poetry” (Advisor: Zygmunt Baranski)


Katie Bugyis, Ph.D. 2015, "Ministers of Christ: Women Religious in Early and High Medieval England” (Advisors: Margot Fassler and Kathryn Kerby-Fulton)


Hailey LaVoy, Ph.D. 2015, “'Why Have You Been Silent for So Long? Women and Letter Writing in the Early Middle Ages, 700-900" (Advisor: Thomas F. X. Noble)


Anik Stanbury, Ph.D. 2014, "Aristotelian Influences in Neoplatonic Metaphysics: Aristotle, Plotinus, and the Commentaries of Alexander of Aphrodisias” (Advisor: Stephen Gersh)


Lauren Whitnah, Ph.D. 2014, “Patrons of That Place: The Cults of Anglo-Saxon Saints in Twelfth-Century Northumbria” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


Erik Estrada, Ph.D. 2014, “Paul’s Divided Patrimony: How Early Christian Commentators on Galations Shaped the Reformation Debate Over Justification by Faith Alone” (Advisor: Randall Zachman)


Ben Reinhard, Ph.D. 2014, “The Bishop and His Books: Archbishop Wulfstan, Society, and the Written Word” (Advisors: Christopher Abram and Thomas N. Hall)


Joshua Robinson, Ph.D. 2014, "Nicholas of Methone’s Refutation of Proclus: Theology and Neoplatonism in 12th-Century Byzantium" (Advisors: Stephen Gersh and Brian Daley)


Garrett Smith, Ph.D. 2014, “The Problem of Divine Attributes from Thomas Aquinas to Duns Scotus” (Advisor: Stephen D. Dumont)


Stephen Metzger, Ph.D. 2013, “Gerard of Abbeville, Secular Master, on Wisdom, Knowledge, and Contemplation” (Advisor: Kent Emery, Jr.)


Hannah Matis, Ph.D. 2013, “Daughters of Jerusalem: Early Medieval Commentary on the Song of Songs and the Carolingian Reform” (Advisor: Thomas F. X. Noble)


Nathan Ristuccia, Ph.D. 2013, “The Transmission of Christendom: Ritual and Instruction in the Early Middle Ages” (Advisor: Thomas F. X. Noble)


Daniel Perett, Ph.D. 2012, “Calculated Insults: The Rhetorical Use of Invective by Latin Authors of the Imperial Age and Late Antiquity” (Advisor: Hildegund Müller)


Nicole Eddy, Ph.D. 2012, “Marginal Annotation in Medieval Romance Manuscripts: Understanding the Contemporary Reception of the Genre” (Advisor: Kathryn Kerby-Fulton)


Theresa O’Byrne, Ph.D. 2012, “Dublin’s Hoccleve: James Yonge, Scribe, Author, and Bureaucrat and the Literary World of Medieval Dublin” (Advisor: Kathryn Kerby-Fulton)


Andrew Irving, Ph.D. 2012, “The Eleventh-Century Gospel Books of Montecassino: An Archaeology” (Advisor: Daniel Sheerin)


Lesley-Anne Dyer, Ph.D. 2012, “Translating Eternity in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance” (Advisor: Stephen Gersh)


John Young, Ph.D. 2011, “Business Partners, Privileged Neighbors, and Sworn Enemies: Jews and the Monasteries of Germany, 1100-1300” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


Courtney Luckhardt, Ph.D. 2011, “Connecting Saints: Travel and Hagiography in the Northwestern Atlantic, 500-800” (Advisor: Thomas F.X. Noble)


Julia Schneider, Ph.D. 2011, “Liturgy and Theology in De mysterio missae, a Thirteenth-Century Commentary on the Liturgy Attributed to Albertus Magnus” (Advisors: Thomas Prügl and Calvin Bower)


Phillip Wynn, Ph.D. 2011, “Justification and Repentance: War and Military Service in Early Western Christian Thought, 200-850” (Advisor: Thomas F.X. Noble)


Jonathan Juilfs, Ph.D. 2011, “Redefining Continental Influences on Late Medieval English Literature: The Impact of Women’s Religious Literature on Julian of Norwich and the Text of A Revelation of Love” (Advisor: Kathryn Kerby-Fulton)


John Hall, Ph.D. 2010, “The Via Sursum According to Magister Martinus: Critical Edition with Commentary on the Final Section of Martinus’ Compilatio (Thomas Prügl and John Van Engen)


Eric Shuler, Ph.D. 2010, “Almsgiving and the Formation of Christian Societies, 700-1025 A.D.” (Advisor: Thomas F.X. Noble)


Andrew Rosato, Ph.D. 2010, “The Redemptive Work of Christ in the Thought of John Duns Scotus” (Advisors: Joseph Wawrykow, Stephen Dumont)




Marcela Kličova Perett, Ph.D. 2009, “Battle for the Public Mind: John Hus and the Hussite Movement” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


Patrick Gardner, Ph.D. 2009, “Dante and the Suffering Soul” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


James Kriesel, Ph.D. 2008, “‘Favole, parabole, o istorie’: The Genealogy of Boccaccio’s Theory of Allegory” (Advisors: Christian Moevs and W. Martin Bloomer)


Jonathan Davis-Secord, Ph.D. 2008, “Theodcwidas: Compound Words, Language, and Social Context in Early English Literature” (Advisors: Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe and Michael Lapidge)


Christina di Gangi, Ph.D. 2006, “Lydgate’s Mesure: The Echecs Amoureux Tradition and the Theme of the Fall of Princes” (Advisor: Maura Nolan)


Miranda Wilcox, Ph.D. 2006, “Vernacular Biblical Epics and the Production of Anglo-Saxon Cultural Exegesis” (Advisors: Michael Lapidge and Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe)


Simone Brosig, Ph.D. 2006, “‘In the Secret of the Trinity’: Eucharistic Devotion in the Thirteenth-Century Southern Low Countries” (Advisor: Joseph Wawrykow)


Leslie Lockett, Ph.D. 2004, “Corporeality in the Psychology of the Anglo-Saxons” (Advisors: Michael Lapidge and Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe)


Bonnie Mak, Ph.D. 2004, “(Re)Defining the Page for a Digital World” (Advisors: Kathleen Biddick and Calvin Bower)


David Charles Mengel, Ph.D. 2004, “Bones, Stones, and Brothels: Religion and Topography in Prague under Emperor Charles IV (1346-78)” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


Rebecca L. Stephenson, Ph.D. 2004, “Deliberate Obfuscation: The Purpose of Hard Words and Difficult Syntax in the Literature of Anglo-Saxon England” (Advisor: Michael Lapidge)


Robin J.E. Vose, Ph.D. 2004, “Converting the Faithful: Dominican Mission in the Medieval Crown of Aragon” (Advisor: Olivia Remie Constable)


Daniel Bruce Hobbins, Ph.D. 2002, “Beyond the Schools: New Writings and the Social Imagination of Jean Gerson” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


Catherine Mary Kavanagh, Ph.D. 2002, “The Place of the Linguistic Artes in Eriugena’s Theological Method” (Advisor: Stephen Gersh)


James D. Mixson, Ph.D. 2002, “Professed Proprietors: Religion, Property and the Origins of the Observant Movement” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


John M. Kerr, Ph.D. 2001, “Proserpinan Memory in Dante and Chaucer” (Advisors: Theodore Cachey and Christian Moevs)


Rachel Marie Koopmans, Ph.D. 2001, “Dispute, Control and the Individual Voice: The Making of Miracles at Christ Church, Canterbury, 1080-1220” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


Lisa Boyett Luongo, Ph.D. 2001, “The Sins of Our Own Offspring: Metaphysics and Moral Discourse in Bonaventure’s Collations on the Hexaemeron” (Advisor: Mark Jordan)


Martin J. Tracey, Ph.D. 2000, “The Character of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Teaching in Albert the Great’s Super ethica commentum et quaestiones (1250-1252)” (Advisor: Mark Jordan)


Michael Machias Waddell, Ph.D. 2000, “Truth Beloved: Thomas Aquinas and the Relational Transcendentals” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)




Lezlie S. Knox, Ph.D. 1999, “The True Daughters of Francis and Clare: The Formation of the Order of Saint Clare in Late Medieval Italy” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


Timothy L. Smith, Ph.D. 1999, “Thomas Aquinas’ Trinitarian Theology: A Study in Theological Method” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Joel Irving Barstad, Ph.D. 1998, “Body, Soul, and Image: Gregory of Nyssa’s Influence on Eriugena” (Advisor: Stephen Gersh)


Theresa Helen Farnan, Ph.D. 1998, “Virtue and Kingship in Thomas Aquinas’s De regno” (Advisor: Mark Jordan)


Francis Thomas Luongo, Ph.D. 1998, “The Politics of Marginality: Catherine of Siena in the War of Eight Saints (1374-1378)” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


Randall B. Smith, Ph.D. 1998, “How the Old Law Shows Forth the Precepts of the Natural Law: A Commentary on Certain Questions Concerning the Law in the Summa of Theology of Thomas Aquinas” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Mark Daniel Holtz, Ph.D. 1997, “Cults of the Precious Blood in the Medieval Latin West” (Advisor: Joseph Wawrykow)


Lisa Ann Wolverton, Ph.D. 1997, “In manu sancti wenceslai: Power in the Czech Lands, 1004-1198” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


Nicole Guenther Discenza, Ph.D. 1996, “Alfred’s Cræft of Translation: The Old English Boethius” (Advisor: Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe)


Christopher Robert Kaczor, Ph.D. 1996, “Thomas Aquinas and Proportionalism: An Evaluation of Their Compatibility” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Mark Damien Delp, Ph.D. 1995,“De sex rerum principiis: A Translation and Study of Twelfth-Century Cosmology” (Advisor: Stephen Gersh)


Brendan R. Kelly, Ph.D. 1995, “On the Nature of the Human Intellect in Aristotle’s De anima: An Investigation into the Controversy Surrounding Thomas Aquinas’ De unitate intellectus contra Averroistas” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Fabian Christian Lochner, Ph.D. 1995, “Dietger (Theogerus) of Metz and His Music” (Advisor: Calvin Bower)


John William Houghton, Ph.D. 1994, “Bede’s Exegetical Theology: Ideas of the Church in the Acts Commentaries of St. Bede the Venerable” (Advisor: John Cavadini)


Brian Thomas Kelly, Ph.D. 1994, “Aquinas on Gravitational Motion” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Thérèse Marie Bonin, Ph.D. 1993, “The Origin of Diversity in Albertus Magnus’ De causis et processu universitatis a prima causa” (Advisor: Stephen Gersh)


Mark John Christensen, Ph.D. 1993, “A Study of the Mass in the Diocese of Slesvig in the Late Medieval Period” (Advisor: Daniel Sheerin)


Patricia Ann Quattrin, Ph.D. 1993, “Words and Works in The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman” (Advisor: Edward Vasta)


Michael Scott Woodward, Ph.D. 1992, “Nicholas of Lyra on Beatific Vision” (Advisor: John Van Engen)


John Raymond Fortin, Ph.D. 1991, “Clarembald of Arras as a Boethian Commentator” (Advisor: Stephen Gersh)




Robert Dale Anderson, Ph.D. 1989, “Medieval Speculative Grammar: A Study of the modistae” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Kevin Dean Kolbeck, Ph.D. 1989, “The prima via: Natural Philosophy’s Approach to God” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Mary Frances Sparrow, Ph.D. 1989, “The praeambula fidei according to St. Thomas Aquinas” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Gregory L. Froelich, Ph.D. 1988, “Thomas Aquinas on Friendship and the Political Common Good” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Thomas Stewart Hibbs, Ph.D. 1987, “The Pedagogy of Law and Virtue in the Summa Theologiae” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Robert George Kennedy, Ph.D. 1985, “Thomas Aquinas and the Literal Sense of Sacred Scripture” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Patricia Ann Guinan, Ph.D. 1985, “Carthusian Prayer and Hugh of Balma’s Viae Sion lugent” (Advisor: Ralph McInerny)


Marina Bridget Smyth, Ph.D. 1984, “Understanding the Universe in Seventh-Century Ireland” (Advisor: Stephen Gersh)


Catherine A. Brown Tkacz, Ph.D. 1983, “The Topos of the Tormentor Tormented in Selected Works of Old English Hagiography” (Advisor: Edward A. Kline)


Louis Edward Jordan III, Ph.D. 1980, “The Iconography of Death in Western Medieval Art to 1350” (Advisor: Bernard McGinn)




Theodore James Antry, Ph.D. 1979, “A Critical Edition of the Practica medicinalis of Thomas of Breslau, Premontré Bishop of Sarepta (1297-c. 1378)” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


John Barry Weber, Ph.D. 1975, “The Register of the Beadle (Receipts and Expenses) of the Faculty of Theology of Paris from 1449-1465 (Editing of Text of Paris, Bibl. Nat. MS 5657-C, folio 1r-94v)” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


David Melbourne Traboulay, Ph.D. 1970, “An Institutional and Intellectual History of the Universities of Mexico and San Marcos, Peru (1553-1800): Influences of the Mediaeval University Tradition in Europe” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


David Sanderlin, Ph.D. 1969, “The College of Autun: a Student-Community at the Late-Medieval University of Paris (1341-1518)” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


F. Kenneth Jensen, Ph.D. 1969, “A History and Cartulary of the College of Presles at the Medieval University of Paris” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


Leslie S. Domonkos, Ph.D. 1966, “A History of Three Early Hungarian Universities: Obuda, Pozsony, and Buda” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


Robert James Schneider, Ph.D. 1965, “The De morali principis institutione of Vincent of Beauvais: Introduction and Critical Edition” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


John Chrysostom Murphy, O.F.M., Ph.D. 1965, “A History of the Franciscan Studium Generale at the University of Paris in the Fifteenth Century” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


Peter Anthony Ford, Ph.D. 1964, “The College of Burgundy at the Mediaeval University of Paris: History, Topography, and Chartulary” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


William George Storey, Ph.D. 1959, “The De quatuor virtutibus cardinalibus pro eruditione principum of Michael the Carthusian of Prague: A Critical Text and Study” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


James Joseph John, Ph.D. 1959, “The Canons of Prémontré and the Mediaeval Universities of Northeast Germany” (Advisor: Astrik L. Gabriel)


Bernard Gendreau, Ph.D. 1952, “The Quest for Certainty in the Middle Ages” (Advisor: Gerald B. Phelan)