Faculty Fellows

  • Arabic Language and Literature
  • Art History
  • Asian Studies
  • Byzantine Studies
  • Celtic Languages and Literatures
  • English Language and Literature
  • French Language and Literature
  • Germanic Languages and Literatures
  • Greek Language and Literature
  • History
  • History of Science
  • Islamic Studies
  • Italian Language and Literature
  • Latin Language and Literature
  • Liturgy
  • Manuscript Studies
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Religion
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Spanish Language and Literature
  • Theology
  • Available to direct dissertations

Hussein Abdulsater

Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Studies, Theology

Chris Abram

English Language and Literature, Germanic Languages and Literatures, Religion

Khaled Anatolios

Theology, Byzantine Studies

Ann Astell

English Language and Literature, Theology, Latin Language and Literature

Yury P. Avvakumov

Byzantine Studies, Theology

Laura Banella

Italian Language and Literature

Zygmunt G. Barański

Italian Language and Literature

Alexander Beihammer

Byzantine Studies, History, Islamic Studies

Judith Benz

Germanic Languages and Literatures

W. Martin Bloomer

Latin Language and Literature, History, Manuscript Studies

Calvin Bower

Music, Liturgy, History

Jeremy Phillip Brown

Theology, Religion, Manuscript Studies

Katie Bugyis

Theology, Liturgy, History

Thomas E. Burman

History, Latin Language and Literature, Arabic Language and Literature

Theodore J. Cachey, Jr.

Italian Language and Literature

Liang Cai

Asian Studies, History, Religion

Therese Cory

Philosophy, Arabic Language and Literature, Latin Language and Literature

JoAnn DellaNeva

French Language and Literature, Italian Language and Literature, English Language and Literature

Stephen Dumont

Philosophy, Theology

Kent Emery, Jr.

Philosophy, Theology, Manuscript Studies

Margot Fassler

Music, Liturgy, Theology

Felipe Fernández-Armesto

History, History of Science, Spanish Language and Literature

Leonardo Francalanci

Spanish Language and Literature, Italian Language and Literature, History

Robert Goulding

History of Science, Philosophy, History

Karen Graubart

History, Spanish Language and Literature, Islamic Studies

Sean Griffin

Slavic Languages and Literatures, History, Liturgy

David T. Gura

Latin Language and Literature, Manuscript Studies, Greek Language and Literature

Daniel Hobbins

History, Manuscript Studies, Theology

Alexander Hsu

History, Religion, Asian Studies

Carlos Jáuregui

Spanish Language and Literature

Peter Jeffery

Music, Liturgy, History

Robin Jensen

Theology, Art History, Liturgy

CJ (Claire Taylor) Jones

Germanic Languages and Literatures, Liturgy, Religion

Louis Jordan

Manuscript Studies, History

Encarnación Juárez-Almendros

Spanish Language and Literature

Kathryn Kerby-Fulton

English Language and Literature, Manuscript Studies, History

Mary M. Keys

History, Philosophy

David Lincicum

Theology, Religion, History

Tim Machan

English Language and Literature, Germanic Languages and Literatures, Latin Language and Literature

Rebecca Maloy

Music, Liturgy, Theology

Julia Marvin

English Language and Literature, Manuscript Studies, History

Christopher Liebtag Miller

Germanic Languages and Literatures, History

Christian Moevs

Italian Language and Literature, Philosophy, Theology

Hildegund Müller

Latin Language and Literature

Amy Mulligan

Celtic Languages and Literatures, English Language and Literature, Germanic Languages and Literatures

Stephen Ogden

Philosophy, Islamic Studies, Religion

Andrew Radde-Gallwitz

Theology, Philosophy

Gabriel Said Reynolds

Islamic Studies, Theology

Denis Robichaud

History, Philosophy, Latin Language and Literature

Charles Rosenberg

Art History, History, Italian Language and Literature

Johannes Junge Ruhland

French Language and Literature, History, Manuscript Studies

Julia Schneider

Liturgy, Theology, History

Deborah Tor

History, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Literature

Alexis Torrance

Theology, Byzantine Studies

John Van Engen

History, Religion

Juan Vitulli

Spanish Language and Literature

Jeff Wickes

Theology, Liturgy, Religion